Stop the slice NOW!
July 5, 2020 12:45 pm
If you are unlucky enough to have suffered with a slice for a long time, here’s some advice to help you stop this common fault NOW. Consciously or not, you are probably compensating for the slice and accordingly making things worse. You will either be aiming left (for a right-handed golfer), or even more dangerous, subconsciously attempting on your downswing,... View Article
Golf is Not a Game of Perfect
June 3, 2020 5:20 pm
I am a big fan of sports psychology. Once you have got the basics of any sport, then how the mind plays really can impede your ability to achieve your potential. Alternatively, if used correctly, it can give you an edge over the competition. As golf is such a solitary and slow game, with so much time to talk yourself... View Article
Hit the South Pole of the ball
May 12, 2020 6:17 am
This month’s tip is unashamedly aimed at the beginners and is true for them whether they are on the golf course or on the golf range. While you are starting this game there are so many things you are trying to think about. It really is like trying to rub your tummy, tap your head and play the harmonica at... View Article
Minimum Airtime
March 5, 2020 7:05 pm
A great phrase to remember to improve your score on the short game is: “Minimum Airtime”. In other words, if you do not need to knock the ball up into the air, don’t. If possible, use the other phrase: a bad putt works better than a bad chip. It’s a bit negative I guess, but it’s also true. If you... View Article
Park the Driver
February 20, 2020 3:16 pm
Understanding the risk According to the physics of the game, the driver, or number 1 wood, is the club that will hit the golf ball the furthest. It’s the correct choice when you want the ball to go the maximum distance. One cannot argue with the mathematics. It has the longest shaft and the least loft. So, the result, of... View Article
How wide should your stance be?
January 1, 2020 9:29 am
Happy New Year Everyone! Here’s a great question to set you up for improving your game in 2020. How far apart should your feet be when hitting the golf ball? The answer is dependent on the club you are using. Put simply, the longer the golf club you are swinging, the greater the centripetal force your body is experiencing and... View Article
Taking aim is not difficult
November 10, 2019 11:55 am
Many amateur golfers fret about the importance of taking aim. If they don’t get it exactly right, then that’s why their shots are misdirected. I’m not convinced. Sure, you should aim where you want the ball to go, but it’s a little like firing a rifle. I am by no means a marksman, but if I take aim the bullet... View Article
Stay in the moment, not in the scorecard
October 10, 2019 12:59 pm
It’s a classic schoolboy error on the golf course, but we all do it. The question is why? When you are on the course, you know whether you are playing well or not. So do you really need to work out how many over par, or under par you are after every hole? How many stableford points you have scored... View Article
Distance Control on Bunker Shots
September 9, 2019 8:15 pm
With every golf shot you play; you control the distance of the stroke by the length of the backswing. Just as you would do if you were throwing a ball. But, to every rule there is an exception. In this case it is the greenside bunker shot. Now, I am very strongly of the opinion that there are 3 levels... View Article
Look at the hole when practising your putts
August 12, 2019 9:34 am
I learn a lot by watching the best golfers in the world on the TV. That brings me to this month’s tip on putting. I consider myself to be a poor putter. After watching some of the top players, I picked up this little tip. It is related to judgement of distance while putting, certainly the hardest of the... View Article
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