Tip of the month
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The centre of contact
July 13, 2019 8:57 am
Two of my most frequently asked questions are: “how can I hit the golf ball further?” or “why do all my shots go the same distance?” This fixation with extra length is understandable, but my usual response is the following caution: accuracy and consistency always trump length Let us look at what determines the distance that you will hit a... View Article
The mental side of golf: What you say affects what you do
June 10, 2019 11:53 am
I guess we are all guilty of the odd expletive on the golf course. After all, this is probably the most frustrating past time ever invented. But we are also aware that sudden explosions of emotion and verbiage affect our play… and not in a positive way! Do we think that “getting that off our chest” releases the frustration and... View Article
Play to the Back of the Green
May 9, 2019 4:20 pm
This is a subject that I have touched on in the past. With the advent of the golf watch, it is now even easier to get this principle across. Essentially, it’s about how often amateur golfers playing into the green, end up short of the pin or even more often, short of the green. Now with the modern watch technology... View Article
Stay in the moment
April 10, 2019 3:07 pm
By Jon Woodroffe, World of Golf London Master Professional Remember the old football manager’s cliché: “we are just going to play one game at a time”? This sentiment is just as valid in golf. How many times have you been near the end of a round and thought “all I need to do is finish with a couple of 5’s... View Article
Stop Flicking the Chips
March 8, 2019 11:33 am
By Jon Woodroffe – Master Professional, World of Golf London One of the most common errors in the short game is where people try to aid the flight of the ball by sliding the club under the ball. This is done by flicking the wrists and is wholly ineffective. In fact, it just makes things worse. So, trying to keep... View Article
Rule in your favour
February 10, 2019 7:08 am
By Jon Woodroffe – World of Golf London Master Professional The new rules brought in this January, are an excellent step in the right direction to making the game quicker and more appealing. My favourite new rule is allowing the flag to be left in when putting on the green. Here is why. It will aid speed of play, without... View Article