Quick Fixes for the Slice
As 85% of golfers in the world suffer from the slice, I know I am onto a winner with this one.
When you look at it there are only 2 reasons the golf ball will bend away to the right. Firstly if the clubface is aiming that way when you hit the ball and the other is if you are swinging the golf club across the ball, much like a tennis player would when playing a drop shot.
Quick fixes are as follows and I would do them in this order.
1. Move your hands on the grip of the golf club to the right (left if left handed)
2. Make a conscious effort to turn your right forearm over your left at impact, much like a tennis player would do playing a top spin shot
3. With the driver off the tee, make a conscious effort to pull your right shoulder back at address so if you place a club along your shoulders it points at least parallel to the target
4. Make a conscious effort to turn your shoulders more on your backswing
5. At address, pull your right foot a couple of inches behind your left
By now you should be hitting the ball at a severe tangent to the left.
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