Tip of the month

Positive thinking on the golf course Negative self talk July 2, 2022 8:26 am

Is there a tricky hole on your regular course where you tend to say this to yourself: “Every time I play this hole I make a right mess of it”? One thing I have learned in this game is that if you expect failure, you very rarely disappoint yourself. Let’s shift those negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are self-fulfilling If you... View Article

Putting tips Putting Tips June 1, 2022 4:28 pm

I have never been a fan of putting lessons. Most 4-year-olds I see on our Jurassic Encounter adventure golf course can putt very well. We don’t want to over analyse this area of the game. However, getting the ball to go into the hole is not easy. Here are a few practice tips that may help. Note, these are just... View Article

Getting out the rough Getting out the rough May 1, 2022 2:23 pm

I always like showing customers this technique at this time of the year as, by now, the rough is growing like wildfire. The greenkeepers are doing their best to keep it down, but there will always be those patches of the golf course that you were not supposed to be in. Possibly the ones that have not had the attention... View Article

Avoid the bunker Miss on the right side April 10, 2022 8:36 am

Hitting greens in regulation is an aspiration held by all of us who play the game.  But let’s be honest; no matter what our handicap is, the experience of ‘missing’ the green will be a frequent one. The longer the club we are playing, the more frequent a miss, is likely to be. So, with a wedge, for example, your... View Article

golf jumper How to stop scooping March 1, 2022 8:49 am

When an amateur player is faced with the need to play a lofted shot from off the green, a common error we see, is the player trying to ‘help’ the golf ball up into the air. This is a mistake.  A wedge or sand iron is admirably designed to perform this function without the need to add a scooping motion.... View Article

Visualise your best round Visualisation January 4, 2022 9:26 am

Spring, although technically just around the corner, still feels a bit distant. You are probably still not getting out to the course much at the moment, so this is a great time to work on your mental game in the warmth and comfort of your own home. If you play the same course a lot, then find a quiet place... View Article

Indoor putting tips Putting Tips for Indoors January 2, 2022 3:12 pm

So, the evenings are dark and the hazy summer days on the golf course seem a long way off. The range is great to keep the swing going, but how about the putting. Here are a few very simple exercises you can do at home to keep the putting stroke in check. To check that you have your eyes directly... View Article

Minimum air-time Minimum Air Time November 1, 2021 4:54 pm

It’s important to remember that the whole point of the game of golf is to get the ball in the whole in the least number of shots. That’s why this cautious approach to the short game makes good sense. Firstly, if you are just off the edge of the green and the grass is in good enough condition, then use... View Article

Focus on the eyes, not the head October 5, 2021 4:22 pm

The worst advice ever given in golf is also one of the most frequently used and is normally proffered by a trusted colleague, friend, or family member. After a poorly struck golf ball, we are often told “you lifted your head – keep your head down”. What a load of rubbish! Now, I realise this is almost akin to denouncing... View Article

feet together drill Feet together drill September 1, 2021 3:21 pm

This is my favourite golf drill. It works for all standards of golfers and so many golfing errors are sorted out by this simple to understand and execute practice. It can be done anywhere, with or without a golf ball. All you do is take your normal grip and posture, then put your feet together. It is advisable to try... View Article