Bigger than a T-Rex
We’re bracing ourselves for the arrival of a batch of new dinosaurs next month. Among the guests, taking up residence on our Jurassic Encounter course, is the gigantic Spinosaurus. Hopefully it won’t be a problem finding space for him – this carnivorous cutie is bigger than a T-Rex!
Here’s a few facts about Spino*:
• Spinosaurus, or “spined reptile,” was named for its “sail back” feature, created by tall vertebral spines. He was christened by German paleontologist Ernst Stromer in 1915.
• Spinosaurus was bigger than a T-Rex. It possessed a skull 1.75 metres (roughly 6 feet) long, a body length of 14–18 metres (46–59 feet), and an estimated mass of 12,000–20,000 kg (13–22 tons).
• Spinosaurus was possibly more of an aquatic predator rather than a terrestrial one. It had a long narrow skull, similar to that of a crocodile and nostrils near the eyes, instead of near the end of the snout. Its teeth were straight and conical, rather than curved and bladelike, as in other theropods.
Spino and his travelling companions have promised to liven up matter on Jurassic Encounter throughout the summer. Do come down and make them feel at home.
Categorised in: Jurassic Encounter, World of Golf London
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