Best courses to play in the wet season

March 10, 2025 9:46 am

golf in the wetIt is amazing how different golf courses, even just a few miles apart, are to play in the wetter season. There is little pleasure in scraping mud off your trolley and having the wheels looking like one of those monster trucks after half a dozen holes. Neverthless, it is becoming more and more a part of winter golf. The courses that have the misfortune to be built on clay, usually suffer the most. Those on chalk or sandy soil are always going to drain better. These tend to be open and playable all year round.

Two contrasting courses nearby

A classic example of one that suffers is Horton Park in Epsom. The course is clay based and, despite some great improvement work, does get very wet in the winter. But just 3.5 miles further up the road is Epsom Golf Club on the downs. You will not find a better free draining course inland anywhere.

Golf in the wet season? My advice is to ask around at this time of year. Find out which courses drain well and head for one of them.

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