Bay Booking System: Questions and Answers
World of Golf online bay booking system
Questions & Answers
Q: When does the bay booking system go live?
A: The system is live from March 23rd 2021 with bays bookable from April 12th onwards. Prior to April 12th the old system will remain in operation i.e., arrive, find a bay and pay for your balls
Q: Will I have to re-register?
A: If you already have an account, it will be transferred across together with any credit you have on your range card. If you have never registered, just follow the instructions to set up an account.
Q: Will I still need my range card?
A: No, your account is now totally online. You can top up your account at any time and use it to book bays and adventure golf.
Q: Do I need to have credit on my account to book a bay?
A: No, but topping up your account gives you the best value for booking time on the range with bonus credit. The greater the value of your top up, the more credit you get: £100 gives you 25% additional credit.
Q: Do I pay for balls when I arrive?
A: No, your bay booking is for a specified amount time – either 30 minutes or 60 minutes – and includes the balls you hit.
Q: What are the prices for booking bays?
A: £10 for 30 minutes, £20 for 60 minutes peak, £15 for 60 minutes off peak.
Q: Can I choose a bay?
A: Yes, you choose the day and time first and then make your choice from the available bays. Left-handed bays are also indicated.
Q: Can I share a bay?
Y: In line with government regulations, up to 2 people may share a bay.
Q: Can I still just walk up and grab an empty bay?
A: That is possible, but to ensure you are not disappointed, it’s best to book in advance.
Q: What happens if I need to cancel or amend a booking, or if I arrive late?
A: Although bay bookings can’t be cancelled once booked you can change them to a different time and date, up to 24 hours in advance, by calling our reception on 020 8949 9200 or popping into reception where they will be glad to help. We are not able to offer refunds for late-starts or no shows.
Q: Can I book the adventure golf course online?
A: No, our Jurassic Encounter adventure golf course will continue to operate on a turn up and play basis only.
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