Need for speed!!

September 1, 2014 6:34 pm

By Kenny Mckenzie

Every golfer you speak to is looking for more distance in their game. There are many factors which can create more distance in your game, the one all amateurs look at is new clubs and there is no denying correctly fitted golf clubs can give you more distance, the one we forget is our bodies and how it moves.

Can we create more club head speed with the way we move?

The answer is YES, let’s not forget the physics behind Distance=Speed x Time. More club head speed more distance, as I said there are other factors which can affect distance.

So how can we get more speed in your golf swing?

Well the research shows that you can increase your club head speed by adding resistance to your training program. To hit the ball further you must build good balance and strength through the legs, torso, core and arms to see improvement.

Strength however is only a foundation; it gives you the ability to create rotational force and acceleration but without flexibility and motor skill development it won’t increase speed.

The basic premise of resistance training is to train your muscles to fire faster but you must maintain flexibility in order to do so. If you just bulk up and don’t maintain flexibility then you will lose displacement between the body segments and will actually create a slower transfer of energy through those segments to the club. This is why a player like Camilo Villegas that lifts heavy weights also undertakes a rigorous flexibility routine after his workout to make sure he not only increases the strength of the muscle but also maintains the length. As a result for someone that is 5ft 9in and 160lbs he averages 293 yards off the tee.

So to increase speed we need to increase strength and maintain or increase flexibility.

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There are lots of great exercises that will increase your strength and maintain your flexibility, I like using medicine ball exercises as they do both and adding a balance component, additionally using explosive exercise such as jumping etc.

As you age you should also try things like pilates and yoga, they are excellent for maintaining mobility, flexibility and strength. There are many different forms of Yoga and Pilates, so try some different classes and see what works best for you.

Working with a golf specific fitness coach on the correct areas to increase the speed in your swing will show a direct transfer into your game.

For more information on how to get more speed in your game contact me at

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